Formulation of IFU Africa Facility Project Documentation

PEMconsult is currently formulating project documentation for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IFU -the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries, to support the creation of a new IFU Africa Facility. The Facility will contribute to the aim of the Danish government to strengthen Danish trade with African countries and explore the investment and collaboration opportunities in the discovery of pressingly needed climate solutions. To ensure successful development of the new Africa Facility, PEM is supporting Danida and IFU by: To ensure the alignment with the SDGs, the formulation concentrates to the inclusion of Gender, Climate Change, Green Growth and Social Equity considerations in the development of the Africa Facility.

Evaluation of the Environmental Governance Programme Phase 2, 2020-2023

PEMconsult was subcontracted to conduct an evaluation of Phase II of the Environmental Governance Programme, running from 2020-2023. The programme was funded by Sida and jointly implemented by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the UN Development Programme. The programme consists of two sub-programmes, one of which targets sustainable mining governance in 10 participating countries, while the second sub-programme supports the implementation of the UN Sustainability Strategy and therefore aims to promote sustainable practices within the UN. PEMconsult evaluated both subprogrammes, using a mixed-method approach including a survey, semi-structured interviews, a desk review, and more. Field visits were undertaken to Kenya and Zambia and while remote in-depth studies were done on Liberia and Colombia.

Improvement of labour-, social- and environment standards in the Pakistani textile industry, Pakistan

Pakistan’s textile and fashion sector, concentrated mainly in Punjab, is the country’s most significant sector, contributing 8.5% to the GDP and constituting 54% of exports. Despite its significance, the industry is lagging behind regional counterparts when it comes to productivity rate while also facing substantial environmental and social problems. Meanwhile, the rising demand from global buyers for textiles produced sustainably is putting pressure on Pakistan and imposing demands of a substantial modernisation of the country’s textile and fashion industry. Therefore, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) aims to promote sustainability in Pakistan’s textile and fashion sector by improving productivity, competitiveness, and economic resilience through the programme Improvement of labour-, social- and environment standards in the Pakistani textile Industry. PEMconsult has conducted an evaluation of the improvements of the labour, -, social-, and environmental standards recommending both public and private sector entities to embrace the standards within the industry. The

Digital solutions for sustainable development in Rwanda

The Government of Rwanda is aiming to increase its development by digitalising the country’s economy and society. Investments have been made in various aspects, including digital infrastructure, public services, and enhancing digital skills among the population. Achieving widespread digitalisation is dependent on strengthening responsible public institutions, particularly the Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation (MINICT) and the Rwanda Information Society Authority (RISA). Supported by The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), this project focuses on advancing the digital transition in Rwanda. A key objective is to ensure that the benefits of digitalisation reach all segments of society, including marginalised groups such as women and people with disabilities. PEMconsult has now finished an evaluation of the project. The evaluation used a mixed-method approach and included fieldwork in Rwanda.