Final Evaluation of IUCN’s Plastic Waste Free Islands Project

Every year, 10 million tons of plastic waste enter the ocean. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are particularly affected by this increasing amount of marine litter. In 2019, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) launched the Plastic Waste Free Islands (PWFI) project. The program is running for three years and incorporates six islands in the Caribbean and Pacific: Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, and Grenada. The aim of this project is to promote their circular economy and to demonstrate effective solutions to addressing plastic leakage. Since December of last year, PEM is leading the final evaluation of the project with the specific objective of assessing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impacts, and sustainability of the project to address plastic pollution in the targeted islands. Four out of the six target islands were visited during a field mission.

Support to developing a comprehensive Danish Approach to Food and Agriculture development Assistance

With the development strategy “The World We Share” food and agriculture is back as a major priority in Danish Development Policy as part of the climate, poverty, and health agendas. The development of the global food situation is becoming graver with regard to Russia’s invasion and war in Ukraine, climate change and economic pressure as a result of the COVID pandemic. On this background, work has started to develop a stronger concerted “whole of government” approach to the Danish international engagement on food and agriculture. The purpose of the assignment is to assist the Department for Green Diplomacy and Climate (GDK) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in developing a comprehensive approach to food and agriculture in development assistance aligned with the “whole of government” approach. The methods include the development of background overviews, the facilitation of consultations and dialogues, analyses and more. The main outputs include an inception report

Programming MYNSAM 2.0 framework with Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities and its Agencies

As part of the new Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC) guidelines, a 4-year framework programme is being developed with Danish authorities to manage the Danish SSC. The consultancy facilitates the process of preparation and formulation of programme documentation for a framework agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Ministry of Climate Energy and Utilities (KEFM). To assist this process, PEM facilitates, supports, and drafts a 4-year framework which will form the basis for a framework agreement. The process follows the development of the framework document through the quality assurance process leading to the final programme documentation being ready for approval. As a final output, PEM prepares a framework ready for presentation to UPR and final approval by the Minister for Development Cooperation.

Consultancy regarding Impact Due Diligence for W2AF

IFU (The investment fund for developing countries) is considering investing in W2AF (Water Access Acceleration Fund), a water impact fund managed by Incofin. IFU has requested the Consultant to support IFU in conducting an impact due diligence of this fund. The objective of the impact due diligence of the W2AF is to allow decision making on IFU’s investment in the fund and to provide information on how IFU should monitor its investment in the fund. The objective of the consultancy is to support IFU in designing the impact due diligence through assessing the strategy of the fund for achieving impact and its operational capacity to monitor and ensure that the intended impacts are realized. The consultancy began with the design of the study which included a review of the fund and its background information, interviews with the fund management, and to agree on the scope of the impact due diligence.