Midterm Review (MTR) on the CISU-supported Program ‘People Partner with Nature for Sustainable Living – Integrating Livelihoods and Conservation, Phase III’
The “People Partner with Nature for Sustainable Living – Integrating Livelihoods and Conservation, Phase III (PPN III)” programme was launched in January 2022 by Civil Society in Development (CISU). Implemented in Kenya, Uganda, and Nepal, PPN III aims to conserve forest sites while generating sustainable benefits for biodiversity, people, and the climate. The main aims of the programme include 1) strengthening sustainability and climate change resilience of local community land-use and livelihoods, 2) maintaining and improving the conservation status of PPN forests, and 3) contributing to the sustainability and upscaling of participatory forest management. PEMconsult was assigned by CISU to conduct a mid-term review of PPN II. The review’s overall objective is to assess the first two years of PPN III implementation, including evaluating the strategic approach of the programme, assessing preliminary results, and reviewing budget performance.