Preparation and Programme Formulation for the World Resource Institute (2023 – 2027)

The World Resource Institute (WRI) is an advocate and implementer of researching, designing, and carrying out practical solutions which improve people’s lives and ensure that nature can thrive. Since 2013, Denmark has provided core funding to the organization and has thus supported it’s aims. WRI’s 2023-2027 strategic plan will also receive Danish funding, however with an earmark. The chosen thematic areas for the plan will follow Danish development priority areas. PEM is engaged to provide aid for the preparation and program formulation of the Danish support to the WRI strategic plan 2023-2027. The consultancy team under the lead of PEM-partner Stephanie Robert Oksen prepared several documents, including the project document for Denmark’s support to the plan, had elaborate discussions Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and WRI as well as the key donor partners. The team also visited Ethiopia and Kenya to gain in-depth insights and discuss the program with

Appraisal of Denmark’s support to Climate Investment Fund’s Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) investment program

Coal as an energy resource accounts for about 30% of the projected global temperature increase and thus, makes it the single largest driver of climate change. Nevertheless, the phase-out of the resource often meets strong opposition from public and private actors as there are strong economic and political incentives to maintain coal as a major energy resource. This is why the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) initiated the Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) Program in early 2021 at COP 26. Denmark pledged a contribution in the amount of DKK 100 million to the program in 2022. PEM won the tender to provide quality assurance for the investment and its related documentation in accordance with the MFA Aid Management Guidelines. PEM partners Stephanie Oksen and Jens Lorentzen further proposed recommendations for adjustments and improvements of the project document.

Technical Assistance for the Sumbawa Biomass Project in Indonesia

Indonesia consists of more than 15 000 islands. Each island has an independent power grid, and many islands are also off grid. It is especially difficult to implement renewable energy supplies under these conditions. Indonesia is engaging with Denmark though a Strategic Sector Cooperation which facilitates government-to-government collaboration. Previously, DSIF has chosen the Indonesian province and island of Lombok for proposing potential projects in biomass-based thermal electricity for funding. The governor of the West Nusa Tenggara province has expressed interest for a similar study in the Sumbawa Regency to the Danish Embassy in Jakarta. In the first half of 2022, a PEM team under the lead of Thorbjørn Waagstein conducted a study about the biomass potential in the solid waste from the city Sumbawa Besar to see if there is a potential to combine agricultural waste and urban solid waste in a bio-energy facility. The team also mapped the type

Programming a SSC 2.0 framework with the Municipality of Aarhus

The guidelines of the Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation (SCC) were updated following the evaluation of the program in 2020. The new version SSC 2.0 initiates 4-year framework programmes as a basis for the engagement with Danish authorities. They are aimed to promote a socially just green transition, the development of the SSC as a political dialogue instrument, the reinforcing of the commercial value and the redesigning of the organisation into result-based management. Two pilot projects with national authorities and one with the municipality of Aarhus were planned for the phase-in stage in 2022. The transition into further phases of the SCC collaboration with Aarhus will demand new and adjusted ways of thinking, organising, planning, and reporting for all involved parties. Throughout 2022, Eric Buhl-Nielsen and Astrid Høegh Jensen from PEM have tried to ease this transition by enabling dialogues and discussions, and by developing answers and solutions to arising challenges