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Environment And Climate Change

Sustainable and equitable environmental management and use of natural resources are key elements in achieving robust economic development and lasting poverty alleviation. Managing natural resources requires an interdisciplinary approach that considers the physical, biological, economic and social aspects of handling and preserving natural resources. Due to economic development and population growth, the environment is under more pressure than ever. Through the normal process of living, vital resources have been depleted such as air, water and soil, which leads to pollution, water scarcity, land degradation, destruction of ecosystems and habitat, and biodiversity loss. Furthermore, combustion of fossil fuels and clearance of natural vegetation have driven climate change.

Considering the cross-cutting nature and complexity of environmental management, a holistic approach to environmental and socio‐economic planning is crucial for long-term sustainability. It is critical that economic sectors sufficiently address environmental and climate issues in policies, planning, budgeting and implementation.  PEM’s work contributes to improving environmental management in a number of areas by focusing on regulatory frameworks, institutional analysis and capacity strengthening.

Main areas of expertise:

  • Natural resource management (NRM)

  • Climate Change (CC)

  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

  • Water resources management (WRM)

  • Sustainable Energy

Global goals in focus

Environmental sustainability figures prominently in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in several of these, either as a main theme, or in relation to specific targets and indicators. PEMs expertise and work is in relation to SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 12 (Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (life below water), and SDG 15 (Life on land)


Feasibility assessment and appraisal of waste management/floating waste clean-up project in Hyderabad

The Government of Hyderabad, Telangana has entered a cooperation with the Danish company DESMI A/S for the development of a semi-large scale waste management/floating waste clean-up project. A considerable amount of municipal solid waste resides in the drainage system of Hyderabad. From there, it is being transported to other water bodies and is most likely to being washed into the ocean, polluting the natural ecosystems. The waste also clogs drainage canals which has intensified floodings several times previously. To prevent these hazards, Hyderabad wants to install 15 clean-up systems at different sites in the city. The waste should be extracted from the water and disposed of through the proper channels of the Hyderabad waste management system. The project will thus contribute to Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation “The world we share”, more specifically to climate adaptation, creating jobs, improve health and capacity and to strengthen stability and peace. The objective of the technical assistance provided by PEM was to undertake a feasibility assessment and prepare a project document of the DESMI waste clean-up project in Hyderabad ready for approval by Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF). The assignment was divided into two phases. During the scoping phase, the feasibility study was designed and carried out during the second phase. The main deliverables provided by PEM are a inception report, a feasibility report and a project document. The compliance with DSIF and and Danida Aid Management Guidelines.

  • The Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) (2022), contract value EUR 70,645

Appraisal of Denmark's Support to Climate Investment Fund's Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) Investment Program

Coal as an energy resource accounts for about 30% of the projected global temperature increase and thus, makes it the single largest driver of climate change. Nevertheless, the phase-out of coal is often met with strong opposition from various political actors within and outside governments. The Climate Investment Fund (CIF) is the main multilateral climate finance mechanism for developing countries seeking to shift to low carbon and climate resilient development, and to accelerate climate action. CIF announced the establishment of the Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) Investment Program in early 2021. The overall objective of the appraisal is to quality assure the Danish support to the CIF ACT Investment Programme and its related documentation in accordance with the Danida’s Aid Management Guidelines including an assessment of the relevance, quality and feasibility of the programme design and documentation; whether the documentation is fit to underpin programme implementation and produce the expected results in an effective, efficient, and sustainable manner. Further as needed, to provide recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the project document, prior to its submission to the grant authorities. The appraisal will included the assessments of the preparation process, the project documentation, the relevance of the project with regards to Danish policy and strategy, the choice of partner and modality, the budget, the risk management and also the sustainability and continuation or exit scenarios. The outputs included an appraisal preparation note and a draft and final appraisal report.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) (2022), contract value EUR 26,600

External Review of an SDC Water programme

Due to growing population, economic development and climate change, the risk of increasing conflicts related to access to and consumption of water in and between countries is genuine. The “Waters Governance and Blue Peace” program (GPW) was established against this background, to contribute to enhancing cooperation in transboundary surface and ground waters. The evaluation of program assessed the overall progress of the program’s fourth phase which support the IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) BRIDGE and the UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) GGRETA programmes on transboundary water cooperation and UNECE’s support to countries to adhere to the Water Convention. It assessed to what extent the program has contributed to deliver the GPW’s overall goal and objectives. The aim is to reflect on the relevance and coherence of the three partial actions with respect to the programs’ overall objective and strategic direction, to determine its performance against expectations and to capture its efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. Project visits were carried out to Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Kasakhstan, Botswana and South Africa. The evaluation team carried out a literature review, a desk study and interview, a field mission and analysis and synthesis within other tasks. The main output was a final report.

  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (2022), contract values EUR 72,213.

Evaluation of EIB support to Climate Change Adaptation

Five years ago, the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched a climate strategy which included a commitment to increase financing for climate change adaptation (CCA). Yet, the support to CCA has remained at around 1 billion a year or 1-2 % of EIB annual lending. PEM has been contracted by the Bank to undertake an evaluation to understand what the bottlenecks are that have led to a low level of support for CCA and determine the factors, both internal and external, that have a minor or major impact on the low volume of CCA finance. The evaluation team is looking at 3 levels: 1) Institutional level, which includes the analysis of relevant strategies, policies, business model, operational practices, and incentive structures; Country-level, which includes the analysis of support to CCA in Poland, Spain, France, Malawi, Mozambique, and Jordan; and Sector/Project level, i.e., CCA projects from 1-2 sectors within each of the countries. The evaluation findings will feed into the development of an EIB climate change adaptation plan.

  • The European Investment Bank (EIB) (2021) contract value EUR 106,200.

Screening of funding and proposals in the Green Climate Fund

PEM has been contracted by Danida to undertake a screening of funding proposals seeking Green Climate funding from October 2020-July 2021. Climate investments are critical for post-COVID recovery and human security, highlighting the importance of the Green Climate Fund (GFC) and the role of private-public investments in developing countries. GCF became operational as a financing mechanism of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015 to aid global efforts on combatting climate change by supporting developing countries to limit or reduce CO2 emissions and adapt to climate change. In 2019, GCF completed its first replenishment process and Denmark pledged to double its contribution to DKK 800 million for 2020-2022. Pledges have since exceeded USD 10 billion, and GCF needs to significantly increase the speed of programming. PEM supported a stronger engagement of the joint (NL/DK/LX) Board seat regarding funding proposals, leading to strategic influence on the development and approval of projects. PEM also supported due diligence in the process of reviewing funding proposals and contribute to an increased understanding of the GCF portfolio, especially around elements considered a priority in the Danish organisation strategy for GCF. #climatechange #climatefunding

  • The Minstry of Foreign Affairs Denmark (Danida) (2020) contract value EUR 32,234.

Evaluation of the Danish support to Climate Change Adaptation in developing countries

Yesterday PEM in association with ODI officially started the evaluation of the Danish support to Climate Change Adaptation in developing countries. Climate change is high on the political agenda with the current Climate Action Summit and increased attention in the Danish government. Countries with climate-vulnerable and poor people need to find ways to achieve climate-resilient societies and economies while addressing both current increased climatic variability and future climate change. Hence, a key focus area of the evaluation is to assess the mainstreaming of climate considerations in bilateral interventions that do not have climate adaptation as its main objective. The evaluation team is focusing on the climate resilience of marginalised and vulnerable groups, resilient rural livelihoods and interventions that contribute to transformation and long-term resilience of the societies. In addressing the above the team will examine interventions supported under the Climate Envelope as well as broader Danish Official Development Assistance to assess the joint Danish support to climate change adaptation and identify mechanisms that have been successful (or less successful) in this respect. Case studies will be conducted in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Ethiopia.

  • The Minstry of Foreign Affairs Denmark (Danida) (2020) contract value EUR 536,603.

Global Evaluation of EU Sustainable Energy Cooperation

PEM carried out a global evaluation of the EU’s cooperation within sustainable energy (2011-2016) covering more than Euro 3 Billion of grants supporting the SDG7 on access, renewable energy and energy efficiency. A team of five international consultants and eight local consultants undertook the assignment which involved field work in eight countries in Africa as well as desk work on the projects related to Asia, Pacific, Caribbean and Latin America.

  • EU (2017/18) contract value EUR 500,000.

Support to development of a new strategy for water in development and the nexus 2018

PEM carried out the mid-term review of the GEF-funded project ”Establishing integrated models for protected areas and their co-management in Afghanistan”, executed by WCS. The project seeks to strengthen the development of the protected area (PA) system, e.g. through gazetting three new PAs in Wakhan, operationalising the management of four PAs (in Wakhan and Band-e-Amir National Park), and developing sustainable natural source management and livelihoods solutions.

  • UNDP (2017) contract value USD 63,000.

Mid-term review of UNDP-GEF project establishing a protected areas system in Afghanistan

PEM is undertaking an assignment to support the development of a reference document leading to a new strategy for EU cooperation in water in development. The assignment also includes extensive support to a variety of nexus projects in Africa, Central Asia and other regions. The reference document is being developed in a participatory process with the input of a wide range of stakeholders. The reference document follows the 5 Ps of The EU Consensus on Development vision: People – Planet – Prosperity – Peace – Partnership

  • EU (2017/18) contract value Euro 150,000

Mid-term review of WWF project on forest protection and livelihoods in Eastern Cambodia

PEM carried out the mid-term review of the WU funded project ”Sustaining biodiversity, environmental, and social benefits in the protected area of the Eastern Plain Landscape of Cambodia”. The project seeks to ensure that biodiversity is protected and communities are provided with sustainable livelihoods. It comprises four pillars: mapping of ecosystem services, sustainable private sector financing for protected areas, spatial planning, and community forestry and sustainable community enterprises.

  • WWF (2016) contract value USD 13,000.

Evaluation of EU, Sida and Danida cooperation with Bangladesh – climate change adaptation

Under the joint country evaluation of the development cooperation of Denmark, Sweden and EU, PEM evaluated their support for climate change adaptation and disaster management, covering: a) Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) managed by the Worlds Bank, b) Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) managed by UNDP, and c) Sundarbans Environmental and Livelihoods Security project (SEALS) implemented by the forest department and four NGOs – a total expenditure of Euro 177 million.

  • EU (2015) contract value Euros 16,000.

Other assignments:

  • Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme (2015)

  • Development of the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme for Sierra Leone (2015 – 2017)

  • Review of the UNEP DTU Partnership (2016 – 2017)

  • Process support and formulation of the Danish Energy Agency Energy Partnership Programme (2016 – 2017)

  • Appraisal of a windfarm project in Ethiopia (2017 – 2018)

  • Appraisal of a windfarm project in Bolivia (2016)