“SDG 8 at Work” conference

On the 20th of November, the PEMconsult team – and more than 300 people from across the globe, gathered at the SDG 8 at Work – Labour Market that Create Sustainable Development conference, hosted by the Danish Labour Market Consortium, at Dansk Industri in Copenhagen.
At the conference, the focus was set on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8), which stands for the promotion of an inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Trade union representatives and employers from all around the world had the chance to discuss the opportunities to create sustainable growth and decent jobs, as well as the challenges that follows.

Among others, guests such as representatives of the Danish Labour Market Consortium, the Assistant Director-General of the Internation Labour Organization and the Danish Minister of Development were key note speakers – communicating how experiences from the Danish labour market model could inspire trade unions and employers in developing countries.
The general message of the conference was that more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, to reduce labour market inequalities and informal employment, and to promote safe and secure working environments – all to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth that will promote prosperity.

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