External prospective review of the Geneva Technical Hub (GTH)

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) established the Geneva Technical Hub (GTH) in April 2021. The GTH aims to enhance UNHCR’s response in areas such as Preparedness, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Energy & Environment, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Shelter & Settlement, Site planning, and Protection. The SDC’s support to the GTH aims to achieve specific outcomes as defined in the project log frame for greening humanitarian aid. The outcomes are to establish and operationalize the GTH, develop technical tools and guidance followed by UNHCR’s field operations, enhance the technical capacity of UNHCR staff in the field through GTH’s assistance, and proposing and implementing innovative and context-specific technical solutions to complex challenges in Energy & Environment, Preparedness and DRR, WASH, Shelter & Settlement, site planning, and protection in UNHCR’s field operations. The evaluation tools included a document review, semi-structured

Mid-term Review of Danish Support to IISD-GSI for Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and Clean Energy Transition

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) supports international processes, national governments, and civil society organizations to align subsidies with sustainable development. Denmark has been one of the strongest supporters of IISD GSI with approximately DKK 69 million since 2006, primarily focused on promoting fossil fuel subsidy reform and clean energy investments. The current 4-year phase of support (2019-2023, DKK 20 million) is administered jointly by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities (MCEU) and the Department for Green Diplomacy and Climate (GDK) at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). In addition, Denmark provides DKK 3 million for the establishment of a secretariat for the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) hosted by IISD. The Mid-term Review (MTR) is an independent quality assurance of the implementation of the Danish grant to IISD-GSI during the period 2019-2023. The review’s findings and recommendations will feed into the

Central Project Evaluation of the Joint Mexican-German Fund

PEM is in the middle of an assignment in Mexico. The Joint Mexican-German Fund (FCMA) was created in 2015 to address governance challenges. FCMA provides financial and technical assistance to government and civil society initiatives that aim to improve public security, protect human rights, promote social inclusion, strengthen the rule of law, and enhance democratic governance. FCMA focuses on sustainable solutions by providing support throughout the entire project cycle. PEM is now evaluating the joint fund for the full period 2015-2023.

Identification and formulation of Danish contribution to the Team Europe Initiative On Transboundary Water Mangement in Africa

PEM is involved in an assignment aligned with the Danish strategy for development cooperation, “The World We Share”. The contribution is part of the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on Transboundary Water Management in Africa (fEI-TWM), which brings together a variety of international stakeholders. By aligning efforts with the global objectives of the European Green Deal, the TEI investments will support large-scale projects in Africa with social, economic, and environmental benefits at continental, regional/basin, and national levels. The project’s specific objectives include improving policies and knowledge regarding water resources management, fostering cooperation and peer learning among transboundary basin bodies, enhancing transboundary integrated water resource management and water-energy-food-environment nexus approaches for climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation, and increasing investments that contribute to economic development and regional integration.