Final evaluation of Women Dairy Farmers project in Georgia

FAO and UN women are implementing a Swiss-funded project aimed at empowering women dairy farmers in Georgia. It aims to establish a network of female farmers and enhance their skills through training. Additionally, the program seeks to provide valuable knowledge about women’s rights and domestic violence. In 2022 PEM conducted the mid-term evaluation of the project, which was well received and we are now pleased to inform that we will also carry out the final evaluation.

Desk appraisal of FACEJ phase 2 and FAMOC phase 2

PEMconsult conducted a desk appraisal of two bilateral projects, managed by the Danish Embassy in Bamako, Mali, for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These projects represent the second phases of the “Fonds d’Appui à la Création des Entreprises par les Jeunes” and the “Fonds d’Appui aux Moteurs du changement”. The projects begin their second phase of implementation in 2024, alongside the introduction of the new transition framework for Danish engagement in Mali spanning from 2024 to 2027. PEMconsult conducted the desk appraisal, evaluating the general justification of the project and an assessment on the project level aspects, and contributed expertise in private sector development.  

Next generation low carbon, climate resilient Eco-Village Development in South Asia

The initiative known as the “Next Generation Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Eco-Village Development in South Asia” (EVD IV) was executed through a collaborative effort involving various entities, including the Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB), the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE), and the Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA). Operating in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, the project expanded its influence via regional and global advocacy efforts, notably during the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The project promoted the Eco-Village Development (EVD) concept, emphasising community-driven, village-based approaches for low-carbon and climate-resilient development. PEMconsult carried out an evaluation of EVD IV. The evaluation included a field mission, visiting the model ecovillages in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Additionally, remote interviews were carried out with project partners in Bangladesh, India, and Denmark. In the final part of the evaluation, findings were presented

Inception Review of the Enhanced Danish-Ethiopian Energy Partnership (DEEP)

The Enhanced Danish Ethiopian Energy Partnership (DEEP) is a collaborative initiative based on government-to-government cooperation between Denmark and Ethiopia. Its objective is to enhance Ethiopia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) aligned with the Paris Agreement and promote widespread economic growth by strengthening the performance of the energy sector. DEEP encompasses three different projects: (i) energy planning and modelling, (ii) the development of wind power, and (iii) the integration of variable renewable energy systems. PEMconsult was assigned to provide an inception review with an independent evaluation of the outcomes and quality assurance of the inception phase.