News from the field

In this picture from the field, PEM enumerator, Eli Marco, is observing the time it takes to fill a 20-litre bucket at Kidahwe village within Kigoma DC, at Kigoma region during the verification survey of the reported SRWS Programme’s results in Tanzania Mainland. The Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (SRWS) Operation has recently been launched by the World Bank to support the Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP) on the component of rural water supply and sanitation in Tanzania through results-based financing. It will support WSDP with US$ 350 million over six years from 2019 to 2024. The Operation supports rural water supply and sanitation services in 17 out of Tanzania’s 26 regions. The objectives of this consultancy are to verify on an annual basis, for the first three years of the Operation, that the results have been physically delivered in an approved manner, and properly documented. Results are verified annually through desk review and physical inspection that tests the accuracy and quality of results claimed.