Identification and formulation of Danish contribution to the Team Europe Initiative On Transboundary Water Mangement in Africa

PEM is involved in an assignment aligned with the Danish strategy for development cooperation, “The World We Share”. The contribution is part of the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on Transboundary Water Management in Africa (fEI-TWM), which brings together a variety of international stakeholders. By aligning efforts with the global objectives of the European Green Deal, the TEI investments will support large-scale projects in Africa with social, economic, and environmental benefits at continental, regional/basin, and national levels. The project’s specific objectives include improving policies and knowledge regarding water resources management, fostering cooperation and peer learning among transboundary basin bodies, enhancing transboundary integrated water resource management and water-energy-food-environment nexus approaches for climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation, and increasing investments that contribute to economic development and regional integration.