PEMconsult partners Jens Lorentzen and Eric Buhl-Nielsen are engaged in the identification and formulation of an India-Denmark Energy Partnership Programme. PEMconsult a/s assists the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, and the Danish Energy Agency in the development of a bilateral energy partnership programme that is expected to focus on wind energy, power sector analysis and medium and long-term energy planning, and flexibility and integration of increasing levels of renewable energy in the power system. An identification mission was undertaken in December and a formulation mission will be undertaken in February/March. The Concept Note for the programme is currently in the public consultation process. The meeting between the Indian and Danish Prime Ministers during the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit reflects the high-level priority given to bilateral cooperation including in the energy sector, in support of India’s ambitious goals for sustainable development and the green energy transition.