Expert Category: Associate Consultants

Vera Devine

Vera has a Master’s degree in Slavonic Studies, and has spent most of her working career in the countries of the former Soviet Union and the Western Balkans. Vera has 21 years of experience working in international development co-operation. She worked on refugee and humanitarian affairs in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina, before working as project […]

Torben Lundsgaard

Torben has a Master degree in Agricultural Science with focus on natural resource management, climate change and sustainable rural development. Torben has more than 40 years of experience as manager and team leader in natural resources management with focus on rural development, climate smart agriculture, and adaptation to climate change. He has worked in SE-Africa […]

Stuart Bland

Stuart has an MSc in Soil and Water Engineering and 30 years of experience as a technical advisor and consultant working in water supply and sanitation for small towns and rural communities. In recent work Stuart was involved in the introduction of GNSS and GIS methods for planning, survey and design of facilities for the […]

Sixto A. Requena

Sixto Requena helps clients in the financing, economics and institutional reform aspects of infrastructure development, with focus on water resources management, water supply and sanitation, and wastewater. Sixto provides consulting services to multilateral and bilateral agencies, water utility companies and governments. Sixto’s areas of work include investment project design, project appraisal, project implementation, water sector […]

Ole Houmøller

Ole Houmøller is a water resources expert with over 35 years of practical experience in the water sector. He has covered aspects ranging from Integrated Water Resources Management, Climate Change Adaptation to Institutional Arrangements. The past 25 years Ole has worked overseas mainly as resident project manager or technical advisor, but also as technical specialist […]

Mohammad Jakariya

Prof. Jakariya specialises in Human Geography, Environmental Risk Assessment, Climate Change Adaptation, Water Resources Management and GIS. Prof. Jakariya is currently working as Professor of the Department of Environmental Science and Management of North South University ( He has a wide range of experience in designing and implementing action research in the field of environment […]

Haroon Ur Rashid

Haroon has a Master degree in Architecture with a focus on Urban Design and Urban Planning. He has over 35 years of experience in the field of development. He worked with the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) of the World Bank for about 14 years, with bilateral and multilateral donors such as Danida, the Dutch, […]

Anders Aalbæk

Dr Anders Aalbæk is a natural resources and private sector development specialist with 25 years’ experience in programme management, business development, natural resources, and rural livelihoods. He has worked for government donors, civil society organisations, universities, the private sector, and as a consultant. As an experienced programme manager and team leader, his main areas of […]