Evaluation of the Danish support to Climate Change Adaptation in developing countries

Yesterday PEM in association with ODI officially started the evaluation of the Danish support to Climate Change Adaptation in developing countries. Climate change is high on the political agenda with the current Climate Action Summit and increased attention in the Danish government. Countries with climate-vulnerable and poor people need to find ways to achieve climate-resilient societies and economies while addressing both current increased climatic variability and future climate change. Hence, a key focus area of the evaluation is to assess the mainstreaming of climate considerations in bilateral interventions that do not have climate adaptation as its main objective. The evaluation team is focusing on the climate resilience of marginalised and vulnerable groups, resilient rural livelihoods and interventions that contribute to transformation and long-term resilience of the societies. In addressing the above the team will examine interventions supported under the Climate Envelope as well as broader Danish Official Development Assistance to assess the joint Danish support to climate change adaptation and identify mechanisms that have been successful (or less successful) in this respect. Case studies will be conducted in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Ethiopia.