PEM has been tasked by the European Investment Bank to carry out an evaluation of its mandate-related activities and of the EIB’s overall performance as a mandatee. Mandates are defined as a formalised cooperation entered into by the EIB with a third party, for the purpose of achieving common objectives and which is based on financial support pledged by that third party. Currently, the Bank has a portfolio of close to 40 active Mandates amounting to almost a third of its turnover. The overall objective of the evaluation is to identify lessons for the EIB to improve the design and functioning of its mandate activities in order to achieve the expected outcomes and impact. The evaluation is guided by four evaluation questions addressing issues such as the extent to which the EIB’s mandate origination, selection and approval process results in mandates that support the achievement of EIB’s objectives and if the design of the mandates facilitate the achievement of their objectives. The PEM evaluation team will also focus its work around issues such as identification of whether the EIB’s organisational model and systems for management facilitate an efficient and sustainable achievement of the EIB’s objective.