PEM is pleased to announce the conduct of 2 additional evaluations for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
First, a midterm review of the Organisation Strategy for Denmark’s engagement with the Green Climate Fund. The aim of this entity is to assist developing countries in #climatechange adaptation and mitigation. The objectives of this review were to assess: 1) the continued relevance and progress in priority areas in view of new developments. 2) The extent to which new synergies have appeared with bilateral development programmes, other multilateral partnerships, humanitarian aid, private sector instruments as well as strategic partnerships with Danish civil society organisations.
Finally, an appraisal of the Danish support to the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (CCC) 2022-2025, which aims to provide knowledge and capacity building for enhanced #climateaction , support developing countries and emerging economies to pursue low-emission, climate-resilient pathways for #sustainabledevelopment. PEM Team will assess the priorities of the new UNEP CCC and its operational management set-up and quality assurance of the project documentation.
Picture by Pixabay.