Denmark-Norad coordinated appraisal of the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa

In 2011 AfDB and Denmark established a bilateral trust fund, Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA-1), and since then it has evolved to a multi-donor trust fund with support from USAID, DFID, Italy and Norway (Norad). The SEFA trust fund agreement expires in 2019, and due to changes in the green energy sector in Africa, AfDB propose to restructure the fund to meet the needs of the evolving energy markets in Africa. PEM is now undertaking a Denmark-Norad coordinated appraisal of the trust fund to assess the key design parameters of the new SEFA Special Fund, including an assessment of the Operational Guidelines and the proposed modality for the roll-over from SEFA-1 to SEFA Special Fund, including procedures for risk management.