Appraisal of the Kremenchuk District Heating Renovation Project in Ukraine

PEM is currently undertaking an appraisal of the Kremenchuk District Heating Renovation Project in Ukraine for Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF). Kremenchuk is an important industrial city of 219,2581, people located in central Ukraine on the banks of the Dnieper River. The city’s district heating network is operated by the municipal utility company “Teploenergo”; however, the system is outdated and inefficient and suffers from substantial heat and water losses. The environmental footprint of the network is known to be high due to high CO2 emissions. The City has been working on plans for a modernisation and has allocated some resources, but these are inadequate and therefore assistance from DSIF is needed. PEM will assess the overall rationale and justification including the preparation process of the project. This assignment is carried out from home and is hence not affected by the global travel restrictions.